Friday, January 29, 2016

Thursday, January 21, 2016

This week I began to learn coding with CS First and on the Scratch interface. I will need two weeks to complete this module, as I got a little carried away on the first lesson and spent more time than I should have playing around with the different tools! In fact, as I went on, I found myself being introduced to tools that I had already played with. It was fun!

Later on, my 14 year-old son came down and said "Oh! You're using Scratch? Cool! What did you make?" and so we wasted a little more time playing with the first assignment, and we giggled at the Un-shared one that was just silly and didn't work quite right.

Here is the Getting Started Remix 2
The funnest feature is that I pixel-drew a different character--a Pacman with three dfferent costumes that he alternated to open and close his mouth--I told you I got a little carried away.

It is remix 2 because Remix 1 is far too silly

For the second lesson, I created a racing game.

Lots of fun!  I think I am going to like this.